Customer Oriented

Modern Technology Application

Environmental Benefits
About Us
We are one of leading young company in the paper industry that set a 100% paper waste that is friendly to the environment. We are located at modern industrial complex with a very good working environment and environmentally friendly in Ngoro-Mojokerto, East Java

The Company Core Values
As a professional company, we tried our best to be an ACCOUNTABLE company, when all that value can be implemented within our core, then it became INTEGRITY. As the integrity grows, will create a very precious value to our customers, and then when the customers feel comfortable with us, only then will create LOYALTY. Of course all of that won't be fruitful without GOOD TEAMWORK within the company. As a company we always aim to achieve our targets and goals that require us to improve ourself, even after improving we are always willing to learn new things so that there will be CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT.

Environment Contribution
The company's concern for the environment can be seen in the company's internal facilities that facilitate Water Treatment Plants with a quantity of up to 20.000 m2/day.